selected publications
academic article
- Guidelines for the Birgitta-Notker-Korpus (BiNoKo). REALIS: Register Aspects of Language in Situation. 2:1-89. 2023
- Situating language register across the ages, languages, modalities, and cultural aspects: Evidence from complementary methods. Frontiers in Psychology. 2023
- Historische Korpora in sprachhistorisch orientierter germanistischer Hochschullehre. Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur. 145:175-217. 2023
- Der Verbund ‚Deutsch Diachron Digital. Referenzkorpora zur deutschen Sprachgeschichte'. Neue Entwicklungen in der Korpuslandschaft der Germanistik.. Tübingen: Narr. 11-31. 2023
- Intra-writer variation in Old High German and Old Swedish: The impact of social role relationship on constructing instructions. Intra-Writer Variation in Historical Sociolinguistics. Ed. Huber, Judith. Oxford, New York: Peter Lang Verlag. 491-512. 2023
- "Die Blumenzeit der Frau": A corpus-based study of the development of medical references to menstruation in historical texts on herbology. Corpus Pragmatic Studies on the History of Medical Discourse. Ed. Hiltunen, Turo. John Benjamins Publishing Company. 153-176. 2022