The grammatically annotated corpus of the pericopes of the Old Lithuanian Postil of Jonas Bretkūnas
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This grammatically annoted corpus aims at facilitating linguistic research on Old Lithuanian based on the Postil of Jonas Bretkūnas from the year 1591. The corpus is divided into two subcorpora, "pericopes" and "homilies" to make register related research easier.
The pericopes were annotated using SIL Toolbox and converted to be used in the search-tool ANNIS using the conversion tool PEPPER.
Three formats are provided in this release: 1. the Toolbox files, 2. the transitional Excel files and 3. a zipped folder to be imported into ANNIS.
Created in the project B02, Emergence and change of registers: The case of Lithuanian and Latvian of the CRC 1412 "Register" (funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft: DFG, German Research Foundation: 416591334).
publication date
- 2023